Cornbread is one of my favourite breads, and today myself and the biggest little man made some with cheese, sweetcorn and jalapenos. It is so easy to make as you just chuck everything into the mixer, then spread it in a dish (it has the consistency of cake mixture) and bake until it's golden goodness is ready. Whenever I've looked around for cornbread recipes they often seem to have a lot of sugar in, which tastes a bit odd to me, but maybe this is traditional? I have settled on using this recipe now:
but I reduced the sugar to 1 tablespoon, then I added grated cheese and corn and topped it with jalapenos so I could take them off for the little men. If I was just making it for me and hubby I would put some in too. We had this tonight with sweet potato and chipotle soup, but it is also delicious baked on top of chilli like Nigella Lawson does or served alongside other mexican dishes.
Looks delicious!