Saturday 2 November 2013

Christmas Strudel!

Apologies first of all for the lack of photos on this post, camera is packed in my hospital bag ready for when our 'bun in the oven' makes his appearance. Not long to go now!! 

The recipe is from the Christmas issue of Good Food magazine which I don't think is out in the shops yet, but when it is, the gorgeous picture of it is on p.88. This recipe appealed to me straight away as I LOVE all the ingredients in it, and I'm sure you could easily swap them for others if there was one you didn't like, and it definitely evokes the flavours of Christmas to me! I deviated a lot from the original recipe but only in small ways so have added my ramblings, but you may wish to follow the original recipe which I have posted.

I found it made enough filling for 2 strudels, each made with 6 sheets of filo pastry but probably depends which brand of pastry you buy as to how large the sheets are. Perfect as one for tonight and one for the freezer!

Pear, Chocolate and Marzipan Strudel

Serves 6-8 if you make 2 strudels

75g/3oz melted butter, plus a little extra (I actually didn't use this as I never butter my filo, shocking I know!),
5 pears, peeled, cored and chopped (I used tinned as I only decided today to make it and didn't have time to wait for them to ripen!),
4tbsp light muscovado sugar, plus a little extra,
1 tbsp Disaronno (optional) (Missed this out as I'm 'with child' but would definitely add this post birth- lush),
100g/40z ginger biscuits, crushed,
1tsp ground cinnamon,
100g/4oz dark chocolate, broken into chunks,
100g/40z marzipan, chopped into small pieces,
250g pack of filo.

1. Melt a knob of butter in a frying pan and add the pears and 1tbsp of sugar and cook for 5 minutes (I didn't do this step as tinned pears are very soft already). Tip into a bowl and leave to cool.
2. Add the Disaronno, biscuits, chocolate, cinnamon, mazipan and 2tbsp of sugar and mix well.
3. Line a tray with baking parchment and lay down a sheet of filo and butter it and sprinkle with sugar (again I missed this out and put all 6 sheets down in one go). 
4. Put the filling down one of the long sides of pastry then fold over the ends and roll it up to make a sausage, making sure it is seam side down. If you are going to freeze it to cook at another time then roll it in the baking parchment and foil and pop in the freezer for an easy pudding.
5. If you are cooking it to eat now then heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas mark 6. Brush with melted butter, sprinkle with sugar and then bake for 35-40 minutes or until golden and crisp. Leave for cool for 10 minutes, brush with icing sugar and enjoy. We had ours with some Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

Happy eating!

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