Friday 12 April 2013

Homemade Custard Creams!

Nigella posted a pic of these little lovelies on Facebook today but no recipe, most unlike her. Luckily another follower had already posted it to their blog and I couldn't resist making them. They were super easy to make and would be great to make with children too. The dough is very soft so using a flour shaker when rolling really helped so it didn't stick. They will be a pale colour when baked so don't be tempted to leave them in for too long. The custard buttercream filling is delicious and I shall definitely be using that in other baking.

They went down a storm with my family so I will definitely be making them again. As soon as I get a new camera I will get some decent pictures on here but in the mean time you can see the beautiful recipe from Eat, Little Bird at as well as lots of other delicious recipes, with gorgeous photographs!
I thought it was so beautifully presented there was no point writing it again!



  1. Made these today :) Very delicious! I would have quite happily eaten a bowl full of the icing filling! x

  2. Glad you enjoyed them, me too, it is yummy! I'm going to use it to make some jelly and custard cupcakes I think! Maybe trifle cupcakes! x

  3. Ooooooh, sounds delicious! xx

  4. Yummy Grandma18/04/2013, 20:51

    Delicious!! Much better than the ones which come in a packet - a real treat!!

  5. Thank you, I think they are rather yummy! x
