Wednesday 26 February 2014

Cheese, glorious cheese!

As a total cheese addict I thought it was high time I had a go at cheese making myself and decided to take my first step into the world of fromage with some homemade soft goats cheese. This was also the thing I missed most when I was pregnant with my gorgeous boys! I was surprised at how easy it was to make, although it took quite a while to do but it utterly delicious! I bought a little kit to get me started from eBay for about £4.50 but you could easily gather the bits for yourself and give it a go! You need a pan that will hold at least 4l, a cooking thermometer (like the one you would use for jam),a muslin cloth and a colander. 

Homemade Soft Goats Cheese

2l of goats milk (not UHT, you can find it in Tesco, Sainsburys etc. I used St Helen's Farm semi skimmed)
1 1/2 tsp citric acid,
125ml warm water,
1 tsp cheese salt (non iodized salt).

1. Mix the citric acid into the water and stir until fully dissolved. Pour the goats milk into the pan and add the citric acid mixture.
2. Heat until it reaches 85C, stirring regularly so that it doesn't catch or burn on the bottom. You may see some coagulation and it beginning to split into curds (white blobs) and whey (yellow liquid) but don't worry if you don't, it will come as it cools a bit).
3. Take off the heat and leave for 10-15 minutes. It should now have started separating.
4. Line a colander with your muslin cloth and either use a slotted spoon to lift out the curds or if they won't come out on the spoon then tip the curds and whey slowly into the colander. The whey will drain out through the muslin, leaving the curds behind, this can take up to an hour so you need to be patient!
5. Mix in 1 tsp of the cheese salt and your cheese is ready. It should be spreadable to you can either shape it into more of a log shape in the muslin or put it into a pot to spread it from. You can also add herbs, chilli etc. and it will keep for 1 week in the fridge. If you don't add the salt it will keep for 2 days.
I enjoyed some of mine in a warm, crusty roll with honey, apple slices and hazelnuts!

Hope you enjoy cheesemaking if you give it a go, there's nothing like homemade!

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